Chimar SpA
Marco Arletti, born in Carpi (MO) in 1977, founded the company CHIMAR SpA in 2000 with his father Giovanni, and is now Managing Director and Vice President.
The company specialises in the production of wooden packaging, cardboard packaging, and the management of industrial logistics projects and logistics services (transport and shipping). In 2005, in order to expand the range of products offered, they founded CBM S.r.l., a company specialising in the production of cardboard packaging, of which he is President. Over the years, several companies in the sector have been acquired in Italy. Today, the group has a turnover of over 60 million euros, working in 21 plants located in Northern/Central Italy with over 500 employees. He was a member of the General Council of Confindustria Emilia and Joint Managing Director of the Logistics and Transport supply chain from 2019 to 2022; he was President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Emilia from 2017 to 2019 and President of the Group of Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria Modena from 2014 to 2017. He was President of ADACI (Italian Association of purchasing and supply management), section Emilia Romagna and Marche, from 2009 to 2014. Since 1 June 2022, he has been the General Representative of Confindustria Emilia and a member of the President's Council of the Association for the four-year period 2022-2026.
Duna-Corradini SpA
Marta Brozzi is President and CEO of DUNA-Corradini.
Graduated in 2000 in Management Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, she became qualified at the University of Bologna in the same year. Since 2011, she has been President and CEO of DUNA-Corradini. After graduating, she worked abroad in service and manufacturing companies for about 10 years, covering roles of increasing responsibility. In 2008, after the birth of her eldest daughter Sofia, she decided to return to Italy. She joined the company in the role of Senior Project Manager, which she held for about three years.
Advanced Techne Srl
Gino Cocchi, born in 1940, is President of Advanced Techne Srl
An industrial technician graduate from the Aldini Valeriani Industrial Technical Institute in Bologna, he was an Air Force officer from 1961 to 1963. From 1970 to 1989 he was CEO of Cattabriga and in 1980 he founded Cattabriga Grandi Impianti. CEO of Carpigiani Group from 1990 to 2009 and Councillor of the Board of Directors in Holding ALI from 1995 to 2009, he also held the positions, from 2008 to 2011, of Deputy Chairman of the Gruppo Fiere Bologna and of Chairman of the Operative Companies Fiere Bologna, respectively. In 2009, he founded Aretè & Cocchi Technology, of which he is Chairman, and, since 2010 he has been a professor at the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara.
Chemia Spa
Maria Rita Giberti, born in Cento (FE) in 1963, is CEO of Chemia.
In 1982, she obtained the diploma in accounting, business and programming at the business and technical school "P. Burgatti" in Cento. Managing Director of the company GIA in San Carlo (FE) since 1983, Managing Director of the company Chemia in Dosso (FE) since 1987, Sole Director of the company Biochem in Gorizia from 1992 to 1997. Since 1 June 2022, he has been the General Representative of Confindustria Emilia and a member of the President's Council of the Association for the four-year period 2022-2026.
Cistelaier SpA
Marcello Masi is sole shareholder of Cistelaier SpA
President of Finmasi Group owned by the Masi family, which controls the companies Metalsider, Sidermed, Cistelaier, Techci, EPN Electroprint, Executive Hotel, Exé 1985. In 1961, he began his entrepreneurial activity. He founded Metalsider S.p.A. and, in 1984, he established the company Sidermed S.p.A.. He is still its Chairman today. At the end of 1995, he participated in the acquisition of the companies M.D. Micro Detectors and Cistelaier and became its sole shareholder through Finmasi. From 1994 to 2006, he was National President of Assofermet - National Association of companies in the trade, distribution and pre-processing of steel products. Today, he is its Honorary President. From 1994 to 2000, he took part in the ECSC Consultative Committee - Luxembourg - appointed by the Ministry of Industry as President of Assofermet representing Italian Metal-Steel Traders. From 1994 to 2000, he was Vice-President of FIANATM - Fédération internationale des associations de négociants en acier, tubes et métaux. He was also a member of the Steel Observatory at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry representing Assofermet. From 1994 to 2006, he was a member of the National Council of Confcommercio. From 2004 until the establishment of Confindustria Emilia, he was a member of the council at Confindustria Modena. From 2019 to 2021, he was Joint Managing Director of the Electronics and Mechatronics supply chain of Confindustria Emilia. Since June 1, 2022, he has been General Representative of Confindustria Emilia for the four-year period 2022-2026.
Faac Spa
Andrea Moschetti is President and CEO of the FAAC Group.
He graduated in law at the University of Bologna and qualified as a lawyer. Since 2012, he has been President and CEO of the FAAC Group. From 1999 to 2020, he practised as a civil lawyer in his own law firm. Since May 2015, he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the FAAC Trust. Since 2022, he has been Vice-Chairman of the St. Ursula Foundation, where he has been a director since 2019. Since 2020, he has been a board member of the Istituto Atesino di Sviluppo Spa. Since 2021, he has been a director of Focchi Group, Poggio Torriana and Medica Spa, a company listed on the Euronext Market. Since 1 June 2022, he has been the General Representative of Confindustria Emilia and a member of the President's Council of the Association for the four-year period 2022-2026.
La Petrolifera Italo Rumena Spa
Guido Ottolenghi, born in Bologna in 1966, is General Manager and Managing Director of La Petrolifera Italo Rumena.
He graduated in 1990 from SDA - Bocconi in Milan. From 1993 to 1994, he attended a Master in Business Administration at Columbia Business School in New York, USA. He was involved in investment banking at Morgan Stanley International in London, UK, from 1990 to 1992. He was President of the public body of assistance and charity IPAB Giovanni XXIII in Bologna from 1999 to 2004. He was President of Confindustria Ravenna from 2001 to 2016. President of Confindustria’s Logistics, Transport and Economy of the Sea Technical Group saince 2016. Over the years, he has been a member of numerous boards of directors such as Intesa San Paolo Bank Albania, Banca Euromobiliare and Banque International Arabe de Tunisie. Since 1994, he has been General Manager and Managing Director of La Petrolifera Italo Rumena. Since 1 June 2022 he has been General Representative of Confindustria Emilia for the four-year period 2022-2026.
Franco Cosimo Panini Editore S.p.A.
Luca Panini, 44, is CEO of Franco Cosimo Panini Editore S.p.A.
Luca Panini, 44, graduated in computer engineering. Since 2010, he has been CEO of Franco Cosimo Panini Editore S.p.A., which he has run, together with his four sisters, since 2004. Panini Editore publishes Pimpa books, Comix diaries and stationery material for major international brands, books for the Egyptian Museum of Turin and facsimile reproductions of the Biblioteca Impossibile. Over the years, he has founded the new media and social branch of the publishing house, which today, with the Comix brand, has over 2.3 million followers; he has run the fine arts branch; from 2010 to 2018, he was a member of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Modena, holding the position of Vice-President since 2014. Since June 1, 2022, he has been General Representative of Confindustria Emilia for the four-year period 2022-2026.
Elena Salda was born on 6 January 1973 and is Managing Director, Human Resources and Communications Manager of CMS spa in Marano Sul Panaro
She was born on 6 January 1973. She is Managing Director, Human Resources and Communications Manager of CMS spa in Marano Sul Panaro, the parent company of a group of companies operating in the mechanical construction and contract machining sector. Currently, the CMS Group consists of 4 companies, employing approximately 180 people and had a turnover of €32 million in 2021. In 2012, she won the Bellisario Award in the Young Women Entrepreneurs category. In 2013, she received the "Top Investors in China" award from the Italy-China Foundation. In 2014, she won the Ernst &Young award as Entrepreneur of the Year - family business category. From 2008 to 2011, she was Director of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Modena with responsibility for training and C.S.R. From 2011 to 2014, she was President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Modena. From 2014 to 2016, she was President of the association “Aziende Modenesi per la Responsabilità sociale d'impresa”. From 2015 to 2016, she was Vice President of Confindustria Modena with responsibility for Corporate Social Responsibility, Welfare and Legality. From 2016 to 2022, she was a member of the Presidential Council of Confindustria Emilia. From 2018 to 2022, she was Joint Managing Director of the Machinery chain of Confindustria Emilia. From 1 June 2022, she has been General Representative of Confindustria Emilia for the four-year period 2022-2026.
Marta Srl
Francesca Villani, born in 1980, is General Manager of Marta srl.
Graduated in Law at the University of Bologna, she worked abroad after her studies, developing skills in business management in all its aspects: commercial, administrative, personnel management. Back in Italy, she held various roles within the family business, founded in 1937. Marta Srl is a historical company in the Bologna area operating in the mechanical sector both as a supplier of materials and as a producer of components to design, supporting packaging companies in the choice of mechanical parts and the development of machinery. A member of the board of directors of the Group of Young Entrepreneurs of Unindustria Bologna, she has held various positions, including coordinator of the “Futuro magazine". She was also regional representative and, from 2018 to 2021, Vice-President of the Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria Emilia-Romagna. Since June 1, 2022, he has been General Representative of Confindustria Emilia for the four-year period 2022-2026.