A company with a noble mission was first set up in the Modena province first and then in the Bologna province: it deals with the certification of products and equipment for the safety of workers and the market. Ente Certificazione Macchine employs thirty people and operates on the global market with four divisions offering a wide range of services concerning quality and certification. For FARE INSIEME, Giampaolo Colletti interviewed Luca Bedonni, CEO of Ente Certificazione Macchine.
by Giampaolo Colletti
Photocredit: Giacomo Maestri and Francesca Aufiero
“Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” We’ve heard this phrase many times. Just think that we’ve been handing it down for centuries. It reached us from the other side of the world. It was in fact the Chinese philosopher Confucius who introduced it between the 6th and 5th centuries BC and it still applies to this day when talking about turning one’s passion into an occupation. “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”, as we mentioned earlier After all, the best entrepreneurial stories stem from passion, from that sacred fire that feeds the desire to make a difference, making it possible to face and tackle difficulties. From Confucius’ China to the Emilian busy way of thinking and doing, rigorously together. After all, passion that becomes work is the perfect synthesis in telling the Antonio Bedonni story. The mid-1990s saw this entrepreneur who, today, we would call a start-upper, launch a brand new business that turned out to be an essential service, i.e. a service that linked to the certification of forklifts.
Company profile. A company at the service of other companies for an aspect that is today essential yet often neglected: safety at work. But Bedonni was far-sighted and anticipated an attention to people that would prove to be crucial in the following years. About time and space. It was 1998, right before the start of the new millennium, in Savignango sul Panaro, in the Modena province. Soon, the headquarters of Ente Certificazione Macchine - the name of the Bedonni family business, now managed by the second generation - transferred because everything grew in terms of both services and personnel. As a result, it reached Valsamoggia in the Bologna province and, more precisely, Castello di Serravalle. A magical place. Just think that, this town inhabited by 5,000 people still boasts a Medieval stronghold with tower, part of the fortifications and the entrance gate to the village. It is located at the border of the municipalities of Guiglia, Monte San Pietro, Monteveglio, Savignagno sul Panaro, Savigno and Zocca. The Medieval town dominates the area from a ridge, mainly surrounded by hilly and mountain areas. «My father’s passion for the safety and safeguarding of workers was at the base of what, over the years, went on to become Ente Certificazione Macchine. The connection with the territory is deep and it is rooted in our history. We are proud of our Emilian roots and we continue to collaborate closely with local companies, bodies and associations by supporting each other to promote the region’s economic and social development, » explains Luca Bedonni, CEO of Ente Certificazione Macchine.
People, technologies, territory. The company employs thirty people and works on the global market. It features four divisions - certifications, lab tests, inspections and training - thus offering a wide range of quality and safety services. «Our DNA is characterised by high professionalism and the experience gained over the many years of activity in the certification, testing, inspection and training sectors. Our ability to innovate and adapt to changes in the business and regulatory landscape while maintaining a high degree of professionalism enables us to provide state-of-the-art support, » illustrates Bedonni. Innovation and rules. This explains the attention towards new technologies and also that regulatory compliance that implies specific activities and dedicated cybersecurity and artificial intelligence services. As you have realised, the beginning was characterized by a great passion in pursuing the mission to verify the safety and compliance of products destined to the market. The most rewarding moment? Bedonni has no doubts. “It was definitely when we obtained the accreditation as Notified Body for medical devices under the MDR. This recognition was the result of a procedure that lasted four years, a goal we reached thanks to the commitment and dedication of the whole team. But it was also the hardest time as, right during that period, we were hit by the pandemic. Just like many other companies, we had to face unprecedented difficulties. As a notified body for medical devices, we were called to certify many devices essential to tackle the health emergency. The resilience and adaptability of our staff strengthened our commitment towards excellence », says Bedonni. Doing business and doing it to the best of one’s ability. After all, this is the key to turning a passion into an occupation.
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