Why companies for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The UN 2030 Agenda is the new global strategy of reference for Sustainable Development on an international level. Promoted by the United Nations, it was approved by 193 Countries, including Italy, on 25th September 2015 and sets out 17 Goals (Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs) to be reached by 2030.
The 17 Goals concern economic, environmental and social sustainability and include 169 Targets that are measured periodically by the statistical offices of the various countries via an integrated set of over 230 indicators
Unlike previous UN strategies, the 2030 Agenda does not just address Governments, but is based substantially on collaborations and partnerships between the public sector, businesses and Civil Society.
Achieving the SDGs requires new effort from businesses but also offers new opportunities, especially for SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).
Managerial and technological skills and know-how as well as resources are needed to respond to global and local challenges in a resilient manner. But, most of all, the 169 targets of the 17 SDGs provide great opportunities to innovate and develop new products and services for new markets and clients, and to anticipate new scenarios.