In the mid-80s, a company was established in Forlì that managed to scale customers, turnover, and interest over time. Today, Vem Sistemi has almost 400 employees and three subsidiaries for a business increase of +400% in the last ten years. VEM initially dealt with networks and physical infrastructures for Data Centres. It evolved over time, accompanying companies – large multinationals or SMEs – on a winning journey in innovation. Giampaolo Colletti interviews Stefano Bossi, CEO and General Manager of Vem Sistemi for FARE INSIEME
by Giampaolo Colletti
Photocredit: Giacomo Maestri e Francesca Aufiero
Do you have in mind the co-pilot? Can you imagine his face, his expertise, his importance? Maybe you know, but let's repeat it: he is the member of the crew of an airplane to whom all the functions of the pilot can be delegated. This is the definition of the Oxford Languages. Today this concept has come back into fashion with the extraordinary functions linked to artificial intelligence. But be careful: what happens in this precise historical phase to a company flying towards the future when the co-pilot accompanies it in exploring the opportunities linked to increasingly pervasive and transformative technologies? To answer this question, let's stop by VEM Sistemi, a historic system integrator founded in 1986. Everything starts in Forlì, but today its offices are in Modena, Padua, Senigallia, Vimercate and Rome. It has almost 400 employees and three subsidiaries: there is Certego, specialised in cyber threat intelligence services and the fight against cybercrime. There is Mydev, dedicated to the development of solutions for software integration. And then there is NEEN, a Cloud Native Factory specialised in managed hosting, high availability and cloud services. «Today we are recognised as a reference partner for the digital transformation of SMEs and large Italian companies in all sectors with a particular focus on industry and services», says Stefano Bossi, CEO and general manager of Vem Sistemi.
Company profile. Changing over time: the company has evolved from an electronics company to a cabling company, then moving on to network equipment, servers, data centres and IT security, to finally manage everything that connects to a company's IP network, up to custom software development and Cloud Computing. Aim: to be able to grasp all the potential of digital, as well as that "cloud" simply known to all as cloud. We are growing, and a lot. Just think that revenues have recorded +400% in the last ten years. A development path that has led this company to position itself on the national market as an all-round system integrator with a holistic vision and a strategy based on 4 pillars: technology integration with VEM Sistemi, cybersecurity with Certego, software development with Mydev and cloud integration with NEEN. Why focusing on integration is worthwhile. «The strength of our group, the one that has convinced our over 800 active customers, is the ability to integrate products and technologies, obtaining a final product that is something more than the simple sum of the individual elements. We can do this thanks to vertical and horizontal skills: we have the highest certifications on the technologies we offer and, at the same time, dynamic work teams that are able to put them together and design even very complex infrastructures that integrate the different technologies. We study and test all the solutions in our laboratories to try to understand the best integrations between the different architectures of the different vendors, offering our managed services and our skills to make the solutions offered business enablers», says Bossi. The role of co-pilot returns with force in that winning alliance with the company to accompany on a journey without jolts, or to remain in the metaphor without turbulence. «We are not simply technology suppliers, but partners in the true sense of the term. Our business is not limited to the sale and installation of technologies», Bossi specifies.
People and the future. A community on the move that brings together people, customers, suppliers. «Being a partner also means sharing values. One of our strengths today is that we truly represent a community based on shared values. Today, also thanks to Vem Sistemi, the Emilia region has become an excellence in cyber security both for the presence of leading companies in the sector, such as Certego, and for the quality of training, essential for the creation of talent in a strategic sector for our country. Since its foundation, we have supported the Cyber Security Academy of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, an initiative that aims to create new professional figures capable of addressing and solving problems related to corporate or institutional cyber security. We are also sponsors of the HackInMore team that participates every year in the CyberChallenge, a cybersecurity training programme that sees teams from various universities compete across the country. Another local project that we are very proud of is the Digital Girls Summer Camp, an active orientation that aims to bring girls closer to the digital world to reduce the gender gap in technical-scientific disciplines.We have always been ready to collaborate with the academic world to accelerate the training process of new professional figures, essential in an increasingly digitalised world. In our headquarters in Forlì we host some courses of the Degree in Professional Orientation in Information Technologies of the University of Bologna, of which we are partners, in addition to the specialised post-diploma courses of FITSTIC, an organisation with which we have been collaborating for many years. Because the future of our country depends on the training of new generations of experts who possess not only technical knowledge, but also passion, commitment and the curiosity necessary to face emerging challenges», concludes Bossi. Thinking about the future, certainly. But to do so by training those generations who will truly live that future.
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