
Supply chain representatives

Fabio Bulgarelli

Ance Emilia

Fabio Bulgarelli, born in Adria (RO) on 30 January 1976, is legal representative of IBF EMILIA S.R.L. in Ferrara.
Married, two daughters, he began his professional and entrepreneurial activity in the residential and industrial construction sector immediately after graduating in Civil Engineering.
He has held important positions in the Bilateral Building System of Ferrara:
- President of EUSPE, Ferrara's professional construction school;
- President of the CASSA EDILE of Ferrara;
- President of EDILFORM ESTENSE, the Unified Territorial Joint Training and Safety Body for the construction sector.-
He was recently appointed member of the Board of Directors of EDILFORM ESTENSE for the two-year period 2023 - 2025.
Since 15 November 2023, he is President of the Construction and Infrastructure supply chain of Confindustria Emilia for the three-year period 2023-2026.

Tel. Segreteria: 051 6317303


Guido Ferrari

Ing. Ferrari Spa

Born in Modena in 1989, he is the CEO and Legal and Logistics Office Manager of Ing. Ferrari.
He graduated in Law in 2015 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and immediately started work in the family business, of which he became CEO in 2013 and Legal and Logistics Office Manager in 2016. In 2017, he became member of the Board of Directors of SAE Scientifica, a subsidiary company of Ing. Ferrari.
From 1st June 2022 he is joint Managing Director of the Construction and Infrastructure supply chain of Confindustria Emilia for the four-year period 2022-2026.

Tel. Segreteria: 051 6317303

Rossana Gabrielli

Leonardo Srl

Rossana Gabrielli is the co-founder, technical director and operations manager of the restoration company Leonardo srl in Bologna. She is also responsible for the company's R&D activities and coordinates a team that collaborates with various research institutions.  An Architectural Archaeologist, with a postgraduate specialisation in Medieval Archaeology from the University of Pisa, she is the author of 25 scientific publications and speaker at over 40 technical conferences. 
She holds the following positions in various business-related bodies: 
- since 2022, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of Ance Emilia;   
- since 2019, she has been the vice-president of Assorestauro;  
- since 2019, she has been the vice-president of the Foundation Committee of the Association for Preservation, Technology International (APTI European Chapter Europe); 
- since 2008, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of I.I.P.L.E.  - Institute for Vocational Training of Construction Workers in the province of Bologna since 2008.
She was vice-president of the Group of Young Entrepreneurs of Unindustria Bologna from 2003 to 2010.
From 1st June 2022 she is joint Managing Director of the Construction and Infrastructure supply chain of Confindustria Emilia for the four-year period 2022-2026.
Tel. Segreteria: 051 6317303

Elisa Stabellini

Edilteco Spa

Elisa Stabellini, born in Mirandola (MO) in 1979, is a partner and member of the management of the Edilteco Group. After attending the Foreign Language High School, she graduated from Nottingham Trent University where, in 2002, she obtained a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in International Business. 
In Edilteco since September 2002, she has contributed to the international development of the group, creating and managing its marketing activities since 2007, and has worked in the Management and Direction of the group's companies alongside the General Manager. Paolo Stabellini.  
In 2021, she led Edilteco Group to draw up its First Sustainability Report. 
Since 2015, she has been operating in the Association for Corporate Social Responsibility, as Director, Treasurer in the two-year period 2016 - 2018 and, now, she is serving as its Chairman of the Board of Auditors for the four-year period 2018 - 2022.
From 1st June 2022 she is joint Managing Director of the Construction and Infrastructure supply chain of Confindustria Emilia for the four-year period 2022-2026.
Tel. Segreteria: 051 6317303