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Conference on IAS/IFRS and OIC Accounting principles and intellectual property and competition law at Modena Association of chartered accountants

Ordine dei dottori commercialisti e degli esperti contabili di Modena

martedì 10 settembre ore 15
c/o Auditorium Confindustria Emilia
Via Bellinzona 27/A - Modena

Conferenza in lingua inglese (con relazioni a supporto in inglese/italiano)


3:05 pm - presentation and greetings from the President of the Association of Chartered Accountants Modena
Mr. Alessandro Cavani

3:10 pm - greetings from Prof. Luigi Golzio – Importance of English for professions and international accounting
standards IAS-IFRS – former Professor at Modena and Reggio Emilia University

3:15 pm - greetings from the lawyer Mr. Andrea Ballestrazzi – Modena Bar Association

3:20 pm - greetings from the president of the young Modena chartered accountants - Ms. Marilena Margini

3:25 pm – greetings from the English prof. of the Association of Chartered Accountants of Modena, Mr. Clive
Davies - previously UK charted accountant

3:30 pm – greetings from Mr. Sergio Foti chartered accountant of the Association of Modena - knowledge of
English terms for chartered accountants

3:35 pm – Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law – Mr. Fabio Valenza, Notary in Parma – member of the
Commercial Law and Practice Commission of ICC Italy

4:30 pm – IFRS and OIC: how far apart are they? Differences and similarities between the two GAAPs – Ms.
Donatella Busso – Full Professor of Business Accounting - University of Turin – Chartered Accountant

Concluding Focus: Setting up a Company and Evaluation of Intellectual Property Rights to be conferred

Evento già accreditato per il riconoscimento dei crediti formativi dall’Ordine degli avvocati di Modena
Evento già accreditato per il riconoscimento dei crediti formativi dall’Ordine dei commercialisti ed esperti
contabili di Modena.
Evento in corso di riconoscimento dei crediti formativi dal Consiglio notarile di Modena